Google – fair competitor?

January 8th, 2010 § 0 comments § permalink

I was reading Techcrunch’s Nexus One review in my Google Reader, and as I got to the end, this is what I saw:

Targeted advertising working well. LOL!

While on the subject, yes, I want a Nexus One… ‘cept what’s with the name?? Why not the godphone, so gfone for short. Better brand tie in, no? ;P

Wasssssup Twitter? *grin*

November 24th, 2009 § 0 comments § permalink

It started off with me commenting on Twitter’s change in terminology –

So Twitter is now asking ‘What’s happening?’ eh? Why not just ‘Wasssssup?’

RohanM saw that, and less than half an hour later, he had a greasemonkey script up and running!

Which I promptly installed of course! It changes your Twitter home to this:

Wasssssup Twitter!

How cool is that?!
I don’t actually go to the Twitter site much, so I tend to forget I have the script installed. Which is great, cos I get a good chuckle every time I see it. heheheh Love this hackery thingy! Thanks Rohan! 😀

Go on, head on over to Rohan’s blog and get the script! Ya know ya want it 😉

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